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Codebraking hut projection, Bletchley Park

The huts where British codebreakers worked during the Second World War aren’t much to look at from the outside. And inside isn’t much more impressive. Just huts, really. How, then, should they be interpreted, to provide visitors with an understanding of the work that went on here, decrypting, translating and analysing Enigma messages sent by the German Army and Air Force?

The simple reinterpretation of this space at Bletchley Park has created an experience that allows visitors to walk in the footsteps of the codebreakers, as if they’d just stepped out.

While papers and typewriters are on the desks, projections of personnel working in the space, and conversations appearing out of the walls, help to people the rooms with voices and personality. At first it’s a little spooky, but before long you’re suspending disbelief and immersing yourself in the world of espionage and secrecy. It’s incredibly powerful and well worth a visit.